
Dhirendra Kumar

India **********

Updated on : 05-Aug-2023

Resume Headline

Experienced UI Developer with a demonstrated history of working in technical feild, skilled in HTML 5, CSS 3.

Skill Set : JQuery, JAVASCRIPT, HTML

Prefered Job Type : : Full-Time, Part-Time

Employement Details

UI Developer

Jan 2023 - Present

 UI Developer at DevDigital. 

Salary : 25000 Monthly
Notice Period : 1 Month

Profile Summary

  Experienced UI Developer with a demonstrated history of working in technical feild, skilled in HTML 5, CSS 3,  Bootstrap 3,4,5, Jquery, javascript, PSD to HTML and Photoshop.  

Personal Details

Full Name Dhirendra Kumar
Gender Male
Marital Status Single
Email ID **********
Mobile No. **********
Date of Birth **********
Languages Known