
Pratyendu Sarkar

India **********

Updated on : 28-Sep-2023

Resume Headline

Java Backend Developer | Expertise in Spring Boot, Hibernate, and RESTful APIs | Backend Developer | 300+ Hackerrank , Leetcode , GFG

Skill Set : JAVA, JAVASCRIPT, HMTL5, CSS, Spring Boot, H2, JPA, MySQL, Hibernate, Model-View-Controller (MVC), SQL, Java Development, Spring Framework, Spring MVC, Object-Relational Mapping (ORM), REST APIs, Git, Back-End Web Development, Object-Oriented Programming (OOP), Software Development, Information Technology, jQuery, JavaServer Pages (JSP), Servlets

Prefered Job Type : : Full-Time, Remote

Employement Details

Software Developer

Gulbrandsen Technologies (India) Pvt Ltd.
Jul 2023 - Present

 · Full-time

 ERP EDP Software Developer ERP EDP Software Developer

  • Skills: Servlets · Java Server Pages (JSP) · jQuery · Java Development · MySQL · Spring Boot · Java · JavaScript · Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) · HTML5
Salary : 13,000 Monthly
Notice Period : 1 Month


Apr 2022 - Jul 2023

 · Apprenticeship 

 Skills: Information Technology · Software Development · Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) · Back-End Web Development · Git · REST APIs · Object-Relational Mapping (ORM) · Spring MVC · Spring Framework · Java Development · SQL · Model-View-Controller (MVC) · Hibernate · MySQL · JPA · H2 · Spring Boot · Java · Data Structures · JavaScript · Bootstrap · Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) · HTML5 

Education Details

Graduation in electronics and communication

Bachelor of Technology - BTech From Heritage Institute of Technology

Passout Year : 2020

Course Type : Full Time

Percentage/Grade : 7.52 Scale 10 Grading System

Project Details

Instagram Backend REST API

Associated with Geekster
January 2023 - February 2023

 This project is a Spring Boot-based Instagram backend application that allows users to perform various operations on posts. It utilizes Java programming language and Hibernate framework to manage the database interactions with MySQL database. The Jpa Repository is used to simplify database operations.

The application provides three main endpoints through which users can interact with the backend. These endpoints include adding a post, getting all posts, getting a specific post by its ID and updating a post by its ID. All the endpoints are exposed as REST APIs, which can be accessed through any client-side application.

The data structure used for storing the posts is Lists, which allows efficient storage and retrieval of data. The project also includes a Swagger UI for easy documentation and testing of the APIs.

Overall, this project provides a robust and scalable backend for an Instagram-like application, with functionalities for managing posts.This project is a Spring Boot-based Instagram backend application that allows users to perform various operations on posts. It utilizes Java programming language and Hibernate framework to manage the database interactions with MySQL database. The Jpa Repository is used to simplify database operations. The application provides three main endpoints through which users can interact with the backend. These endpoints include adding a post, getting all posts, getting a specific post by its ID and updating a post by its ID. All the endpoints are exposed as REST APIs, which can be accessed through any client-side application. The data structure used for storing the posts is Lists, which allows efficient storage and retrieval of data. The project also includes a Swagger UI for easy documentation and testing of the APIs. Overall, this project provides a robust and scalable backend for an Instagram-like application, with functionalities for managing posts.

  • Skills: Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) · Back-End Web Development · REST APIs · Object-Relational Mapping (ORM) · Spring MVC · Spring Framework · Java Development · SQL

Coffee Vending Machine

Associated with Geekster
April 2023 - Present

 I have developed a simple Coffee Machine Simulator in Java that allows users to buy different types of coffee, fill the machine with ingredients, take money from the machine, show the remaining ingredients, and see the analytics of the machine. This project is a console application that is designed to simulate a coffee vending machine that can hold infinite amounts of ingredients like milk, water, and coffee beans.

The Coffee Machine Simulator can sell three different types of coffee - Espresso, Latte, and Cappuccino, with separate prices and amounts of ingredients required. Users can choose their desired coffee, and the machine will dispense it only if it has enough ingredients to make that coffee. After dispensing the coffee, the money in the machine's box will be updated, and the remaining ingredients will be updated as well.

The application allows users to fill the machine with ingredients as per their choice, take money from the machine, show the remaining ingredients in the machine, and see the analytics of the machine. The analytics feature includes the count of all the coffees sold, the amount earned, and the ingredients consumed.

This project is a great way for Java developers to practice their programming skills and learn about object-oriented programming concepts like encapsulation and inheritance. It is a fun and interactive way to learn about the basics of building a console application that simulates a real-life scenario.I have developed a simple Coffee Machine Simulator in Java that allows users to buy different types of coffee, fill the machine with ingredients, take money from the machine, show the remaining ingredients, and see the analytics of the machine. This project is a console application that is designed to simulate a coffee vending machine that can hold infinite amounts of ingredients like milk, water, and coffee beans. The Coffee Machine Simulator can sell three different types of coffee - Espresso, Latte, and Cappuccino, with separate prices and amounts of ingredients required. Users can choose their desired coffee, and the machine will dispense it only if it has enough ingredients to make that coffee. After dispensing the coffee, the money in the machine's box will be updated, and the remaining ingredients will be updated as well. The application allows users to fill the machine with ingredients as per their choice, take money from the machine, show the remaining ingredients in the machine, and see the analytics of the machine. The analytics feature includes the count of all the coffees sold, the amount earned, and the ingredients consumed. This project is a great way for Java developers to practice their programming skills and learn about object-oriented programming concepts like encapsulation and inheritance. It is a fun and interactive way to learn about the basics of building a console application that simulates a real-life scenario.

  • Skills: Java Development

Profile Summary

 Java Spring Boot Developer

 Apprenticing as a Java Spring Boot Developer at Geekster
Holds a Bachelors degree in Electronics And Communications Engineering from Heritage Institute of Technology, Kolkata ,India
Proficient in Java programming language
Experienced in developing RESTful APIs using Spring Boot framework
Knowledgeable in web development technologies like HTML, CSS, and JavaScript
Skilled in using Git for version control
Passionate about learning new technologies and expanding my skill set
Collaborative team player and excellent communicator 

Personal Details

Full Name Pratyendu Sarkar
Gender Male
Marital Status Single
Email ID **********
Mobile No. **********
Date of Birth **********
Languages Known