➼ Passionate Software Engineer | Lifelong Learner | Tech Enthusiast
➼ "It's not just about using technology, it's about living it." With a deep-rooted passion for technology and innovation, I believe that they are the driving forces behind success.
➼ In my free time, I thrive on exploring the latest technologies and honing my logic-building skills. I embrace the opportunity to learn something new every day, as I firmly believe that continuous learning is the key to personal and professional growth.
➼ My motto in life is a powerful equation: Self Motivation + Commitment + Technology + Ideas + Team Player + Optimism. This formula guides my actions and fuels my ambition.
➼ As I progress in my career, I am always eager to expand my skillset and embrace emerging technologies. I am keen to connect with like-minded individuals in the industry, as I believe in the power of collaboration and learning from others' experiences.
➼ If you share my passion for technology and innovation, I would love to connect and learn from you. Let's embark on this journey together and make a positive impact in the world of technology.
My skill set include:
☑️Computer Language : Java, JavaScript.
☑️Libraries : React js and Redux
☑️Additional Courses : Data Structure and Algorithms, HTML, CSS.
☑️Tools & Technologies : Git, VS code
GitHub: - https://github.com/venky123895
Portfolio :- https://venky123895.github.io/personalPortfolio/
Feel free to reach out to me :-
☞ devathotivenkataramana@gmail.com➼ Passionate Software Engineer | Lifelong Learner | Tech Enthusiast ➼ "It's not just about using technology, it's about living it." With a deep-rooted passion for technology and innovation, I believe that they are the driving forces behind success. ➼ In my free time, I thrive on exploring the latest technologies and honing my logic-building skills. I embrace the opportunity to learn something new every day, as I firmly believe that continuous learning is the key to personal and professional growth. ➼ My motto in life is a powerful equation: Self Motivation + Commitment + Technology + Ideas + Team Player + Optimism. This formula guides my actions and fuels my ambition. ➼ As I progress in my career, I am always eager to expand my skillset and embrace emerging technologies. I am keen to connect with like-minded individuals in the industry, as I believe in the power of collaboration and learning from others' experiences. ➼ If you share my passion for technology and innovation, I would love to connect and learn from you. Let's embark on this journey together and make a positive impact in the world of technology. My skill set include: ☑️Computer Language : Java, JavaScript. ☑️Libraries : React js and Redux ☑️Additional Courses : Data Structure and Algorithms, HTML, CSS. ☑️Tools & Technologies : Git, VS code Profiles:- GitHub: - https://github.com/venky123895 Portfolio :- https://venky123895.github.io/personalPortfolio/ Feel free to reach out to me :- ☞ devathotivenkataramana@gmail.com
- Top skillsTop skillsHTML • Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) • JavaScript • React.js • Redux.js