
Afroz Khan

India **********

Updated on : 19-Sep-2023

Resume Headline

MERN || React Js || Javascript || HTML || CSS || Node Js || Express Js || MongoDB

Skill Set : React.js, HTML, CSS, JAVASCRIPT, Node.js, Express.js, MongoDB

Prefered Job Type : : Full-Time, Part-Time, Remote

Employement Details

React Developer

Jan 2023 - Present

 React Developer at  UniqueIIT  .

Salary : 15000 Monthly
Notice Period : 1 Month

Education Details

Graduation in Computer Science

B. Tech. From Al-Falah University

Passout Year : 2021

Course Type : Full Time

Percentage/Grade : 70 % Marks of 100 Maximum

Project Details


Associated with UniqueIIT
August 2023 - Present

 ECommerce Web Application 

Profile Summary

 I possess a strong proficiency in React.js and the MERN (MongoDB, Express.js, React.js, Node.js) , allowing me to create dynamic and interactive web applications. My work experience includes developing responsive user interfaces, building robust frontend components, and seamlessly integrating them with backend functionalities. With a keen eye for detail and a focus on user experience, My familiarity with modern web development practices and my ability to collaborate effectively make me a valuable asset in crafting exceptional digital experiences using React.js and the MERN stack. 

Personal Details

Full Name Afroz Khan
Gender Male
Marital Status Single
Email ID **********
Mobile No. **********
Date of Birth **********
Languages Known