:-"Extensively obtained 1.5+ years of IT experience as a Front-End Developer".
:-"Well-experienced with UI/UX, Usability, Visual Design, Users, Customers, Communication, Relationship, and Business Value".
:-"Experience as a User Interface/Front End Developer in developing applications using HTML5,CSS3, JavaScript, ReactJS, mongoDB, Node.JS, Express, Express-validator, bcrypts.js, DOM, LESS".
:-"Use React-Router-DOM to turn application into Single Page Application & worked in using React JS components, Forms, Events, Keys, Router, Animations and Redux concept".
:-"Create dynamic web pages using ReactJS framework. Worked on two-way, one-way data binding, built-in components and developed single page applications using React JS".
:-"Proficient in building Web User Interface (UI) using HTML5, CSS3 and JavaScript and MVC frameworks - ReactJS and Redux".