
hitarth singh hada

India **********

Updated on : 18-Sep-2023

Resume Headline

Software Developer || Java-backend-Developer || Geekster Student

Skill Set : Core Java, Swagger API, Postman API, GitHub, Git, JPA, hibernet, Maven, Spring MVC, Spring Framework, API Development, REST APIs, Problem Solving, MySQL, JAVA, Leadership, Engineering, Data Structures, Algorithms, SQL, Programming, Operating Systems, Spring Boot, RDBMS, Hibernate

Prefered Job Type : : Full-Time, Remote

Employement Details


Aug 2022 - Present

 •As a software developer apprentice at Geekster, I have had the privilege of acquiring valuable
knowledge and practical experience in Java, Spring Boot, MySQL, and related technologies since August
•Through hands-on training and guidance from experienced professionals, I have gained a deeper
understanding of software development best practices, problem-solving techniques, and industry
•This apprenticeship has enabled me to develop the necessary skills to become a proficient
software developer and contribute to meaningful projects.•As a software developer apprentice at Geekster, I have had the privilege of acquiring valuable knowledge and practical experience in Java, Spring Boot, MySQL, and related technologies since August 2022. •Through hands-on training and guidance from experienced professionals, I have gained a deeper understanding of software development best practices, problem-solving techniques, and industry trends. •This apprenticeship has enabled me to develop the necessary skills to become a proficient software developer and contribute to meaningful projects.

  • Skills: REST APIs · API Development · Spring Framework · Maven · hibernet · JPA · MySQL · Core Java · Spring B
Salary : 10000 Monthly
Notice Period : 1 Month

Education Details

Graduation in Computer Science

Bachelor of Technology - BTech From Jaipur Engineering College and Research Centre (JECRC)

Passout Year : 2022

Course Type : Full Time

Percentage/Grade : 7.5 Scale 10 Grading System

Project Details

Expense Tracker

Associated with Geekster
September 2022 - October 2022

 The Expense Tracker Application is a web-based solution developed using the Spring Boot framework. It provides users with a convenient and efficient way to track their expenses, manage budgets, and gain insights into their spending patterns. The application offers the following key features:

1. User Registration and Authentication:
- Users can create an account and securely log in to the application.
- Authentication and session management ensure data privacy and security.

2. Expense Tracking:
- Users can add, edit, and delete expenses, providing details such as date, category, amount, and description.
- The application organizes expenses based on categories for better analysis and reporting.

3. Budget Management:
- Users can set monthly, weekly, or custom budgets for different expense categories.
- The application provides real-time updates on budget utilization and alerts users when they exceed predefined limits.

4. Data Visualization and Reporting:
- The application offers visual representations of spending patterns through graphs and charts.
- Users can generate reports to analyze their expenses over specific time periods, helping them identify trends and make informed financial decisions.

Technologies and Tools Used:
- Spring Boot: Used as the primary framework for developing the application, providing dependency management, MVC architecture, and robust security features.
- Java: The core programming language for implementing business logic and data processing.
- Spring Data JPA: Enables seamless interaction with the underlying database, simplifying data access and manipulation.
- MySQL or another database management system: Stores user account details, expenses, budgets, and other related data.

The Expense Tracker Application aims to provide users with a comprehensive platform to manage their expenses effectively, gain financial insights, and improve their overall financial well-being.The Expense Tracker Application is a web-based solution developed using the Spring Boot framework. It provides users with a convenient and efficient way to track their expenses, manage budgets, and gain insights into their spending patterns. The application offers the following key features: 1. User Registration and Authentication: - Users can create an account and securely log in to the application. - Authentication and session management ensure data privacy and security. 2. Expense Tracking: - Users can add, edit, and delete expenses, providing details such as date, category, amount, and description. - The application organizes expenses based on categories for better analysis and reporting. 3. Budget Management: - Users can set monthly, weekly, or custom budgets for different expense categories. - The application provides real-time updates on budget utilization and alerts users when they exceed predefined limits. 4. Data Visualization and Reporting: - The application offers visual representations of spending patterns through graphs and charts. - Users can generate reports to analyze their expenses over specific time periods, helping them identify trends and make informed financial decisions. Technologies and Tools Used: - Spring Boot: Used as the primary framework for developing the application, providing dependency management, MVC architecture, and robust security features. - Java: The core programming language for implementing business logic and data processing. - Spring Data JPA: Enables seamless interaction with the underlying database, simplifying data access and manipulation. - MySQL or another database management system: Stores user account details, expenses, budgets, and other related data. The Expense Tracker Application aims to provide users with a comprehensive platform to manage their expenses effectively, gain financial insights, and improve their overall financial well-being.

  • Skills: Hibernate · Spring Boot · SQL

Food Delivery API

Associated with Geekster
December 2022 - February 2023

 The Food Delivery Application is a web-based platform developed using the Spring Boot framework, providing a seamless and convenient experience for customers to order food from various restaurants. The application encompasses features that facilitate the entire food ordering process, ensuring a smooth user experience. The key features of the project are as follows:

1. Restaurant Listing and Search:
- Users can browse through a comprehensive list of restaurants available on the platform.
- The application provides search and filtering options based on cuisine type, location, ratings, and other parameters to help users find their desired restaurants easily.

2. Menu Presentation:
- Each restaurant profile includes a menu with a detailed description of available food items, along with prices, ingredients, and dietary information.
- Users can view , ratings, and reviews for individual dishes, aiding in their decision-making process.

3. User Registration and Authentication:
- Users can create accounts, enabling personalized experiences and order tracking.
- Authentication ensures secure access to user-specific features and protects user information.

5. Reviews and Ratings:
- Users can leave reviews and ratings for restaurants and food items, contributing to the platform's overall community feedback and enhancing future users' decision-making.

Technologies and Tools Used:
- Spring Boot: Used as the primary framework for developing the application, providing dependency management, MVC architecture, and secure authentication.
- Java: The core programming language for implementing business logic and data processing.
- Spring Data JPA: Enables seamless interaction with the underlying database, simplifying data access and manipulation.
- MySQL or another database management system: Stores user details, restaurant information, menus, orders, and other relevant data.The Food Delivery Application is a web-based platform developed using the Spring Boot framework, providing a seamless and convenient experience for customers to order food from various restaurants. The application encompasses features that facilitate the entire food ordering process, ensuring a smooth user experience. The key features of the project are as follows: 1. Restaurant Listing and Search: - Users can browse through a comprehensive list of restaurants available on the platform. - The application provides search and filtering options based on cuisine type, location, ratings, and other parameters to help users find their desired restaurants easily. 2. Menu Presentation: - Each restaurant profile includes a menu with a detailed description of available food items, along with prices, ingredients, and dietary information. - Users can view , ratings, and reviews for individual dishes, aiding in their decision-making process. 3. User Registration and Authentication: - Users can create accounts, enabling personalized experiences and order tracking. - Authentication ensures secure access to user-specific features and protects user information. 5. Reviews and Ratings: - Users can leave reviews and ratings for restaurants and food items, contributing to the platform's overall community feedback and enhancing future users' decision-making. Technologies and Tools Used: - Spring Boot: Used as the primary framework for developing the application, providing dependency management, MVC architecture, and secure authentication. - Java: The core programming language for implementing business logic and data processing. - Spring Data JPA: Enables seamless interaction with the underlying database, simplifying data access and manipulation. - MySQL or another database management system: Stores user details, restaurant information, menus, orders, and other relevant data.

  • Skills: MySQL · Hibernate · Spring Boot

Profile Summary

 Hey! I am currently Learning Frontend Development. I completed my undergraduate education from JECRC ,Jaipur.

I am a passionate problem solver and developer and believe in achieving excellence through continuous learning. 

Personal Details

Full Name hitarth singh hada
Gender Male
Marital Status Single
Email ID **********
Mobile No. **********
Date of Birth **********
Languages Known
English (Proficient),