* Designed and implemented a RESTful API for a blogging platform using Spring Boot MVC framework and MySQL database. The API allows users to perform CRUD operations on blog posts, as well as register and login to their accounts for personalised access. Used swagger to test the API.
* Key Features: Incorporates validation and error handling features to ensure data consistency. Logged in users can perform CRUD operations on posts while regular users can add comments to them. Leveraged JPA with Hibernate to enable seamless data interaction, providing efficient database access and optimised data retrieval. Deployed the application on AWS EC2 instance using Elastic IP to gain a static IP for the API, ensuring high performance and scalability.
* Tech Stack: Java, Spring Boot, MVC Architecture, JPA with Hibernate, MySQL Database, AWS EC2, Git version control, Swagger.
Deployed Link :* Designed and implemented a RESTful API for a blogging platform using Spring Boot MVC framework and MySQL database. The API allows users to perform CRUD operations on blog posts, as well as register and login to their accounts for personalised access. Used swagger to test the API. * Key Features: Incorporates validation and error handling features to ensure data consistency. Logged in users can perform CRUD operations on posts while regular users can add comments to them. Leveraged JPA with Hibernate to enable seamless data interaction, providing efficient database access and optimised data retrieval. Deployed the application on AWS EC2 instance using Elastic IP to gain a static IP for the API, ensuring high performance and scalability. * Tech Stack: Java, Spring Boot, MVC Architecture, JPA with Hibernate, MySQL Database, AWS EC2, Git version control, Swagger. Deployed Link :
- Skills: Back-End Web Development