
Ameya Shinde

India **********

Updated on : 18-Sep-2023

Resume Headline

Software Developer | Java SpringBoot Developer

Skill Set : HMTL5, CSS3, JAVA, MySQL, C++, Spring MVC, Software Development, Spring Boot, Data Structures, Object-Oriented Programming (OOP), Computer Engineering, GitHub, Back-End Web Development

Prefered Job Type : : Full-Time, Remote

Employement Details


Jul 2022 - Present

 As a software developer apprentice at Geekster, I've been privileged to gain valuable knowledge and practical experience in Java, Spring Boot, MySQL, and related technologies since July 2022. Through hands-on training and guidance from experienced professionals, I've developed a deep understanding of software development best practices, problem-solving techniques, and industry trends.

This apprenticeship has equipped me with the necessary skills to become a proficient software developer and contribute to meaningful projects. I'm excited to leverage my skills and passion for software development to collaborate with industry professionals and create innovative solutions that drive business success.

If you're looking for a dedicated and skilled software developer to join your team, I'd love to connect and discuss how I can contribute to your organization's goals.As a software developer apprentice at Geekster, I've been privileged to gain valuable knowledge and practical experience in Java, Spring Boot, MySQL, and related technologies since July 2022. Through hands-on training and guidance from experienced professionals, I've developed a deep understanding of software development best practices, problem-solving techniques, and industry trends. This apprenticeship has equipped me with the necessary skills to become a proficient software developer and contribute to meaningful projects. I'm excited to leverage my skills and passion for software development to collaborate with industry professionals and create innovative solutions that drive business success. If you're looking for a dedicated and skilled software developer to join your team, I'd love to connect and discuss how I can contribute to your organization's goals.

  • Skills: HTML5 · Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) · GitHub · Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) · Data Structures · Java · Spring MVC
Salary : 11500 Monthly
Notice Period : 1 Month

Education Details

Graduation in Computer Engineering

Bachelor of Engineering - BE, From Marathwada Mitra Mandal's Institute of Technology, Lohgaon

Passout Year : 2022

Course Type : Full Time

Percentage/Grade : 8.42 % Marks of 100 Maximum

Project Details

Messenger Application

Associated with Geekster
October 2022 - October 2022

 * Developed a messenger API using Spring Boot MVC and MySQL database to enable real-time messaging between users.CRUD operations to manage users as well as chats. Used postman for testing the API.
* Key Features: Scalable architecture to handle large volumes of messages and users. Persistent storage of messages in a MySQL database. RESTful API design to enable easy integration with other systems. Error handling and logging to ensure reliable performance.
* Tech Stack: Java, Spring Boot, SQL, Postman, MVC Architecture, JPA with Hibernate, MySQL Database.* Developed a messenger API using Spring Boot MVC and MySQL database to enable real-time messaging between users.CRUD operations to manage users as well as chats. Used postman for testing the API. * Key Features: Scalable architecture to handle large volumes of messages and users. Persistent storage of messages in a MySQL database. RESTful API design to enable easy integration with other systems. Error handling and logging to ensure reliable performance. * Tech Stack: Java, Spring Boot, SQL, Postman, MVC Architecture, JPA with Hibernate, MySQL Database.

  • Skills: Back-End Web Development

Blogging Application

Associated with Geekster
August 2022 - September 2022

 * Designed and implemented a RESTful API for a blogging platform using Spring Boot MVC framework and MySQL database. The API allows users to perform CRUD operations on blog posts, as well as register and login to their accounts for personalised access. Used swagger to test the API.
* Key Features: Incorporates validation and error handling features to ensure data consistency. Logged in users can perform CRUD operations on posts while regular users can add comments to them. Leveraged JPA with Hibernate to enable seamless data interaction, providing efficient database access and optimised data retrieval. Deployed the application on AWS EC2 instance using Elastic IP to gain a static IP for the API, ensuring high performance and scalability.
* Tech Stack: Java, Spring Boot, MVC Architecture, JPA with Hibernate, MySQL Database, AWS EC2, Git version control, Swagger.

Deployed Link :* Designed and implemented a RESTful API for a blogging platform using Spring Boot MVC framework and MySQL database. The API allows users to perform CRUD operations on blog posts, as well as register and login to their accounts for personalised access. Used swagger to test the API. * Key Features: Incorporates validation and error handling features to ensure data consistency. Logged in users can perform CRUD operations on posts while regular users can add comments to them. Leveraged JPA with Hibernate to enable seamless data interaction, providing efficient database access and optimised data retrieval. Deployed the application on AWS EC2 instance using Elastic IP to gain a static IP for the API, ensuring high performance and scalability. * Tech Stack: Java, Spring Boot, MVC Architecture, JPA with Hibernate, MySQL Database, AWS EC2, Git version control, Swagger. Deployed Link :

  • Skills: Back-End Web Development

Profile Summary

 As a highly skilled backend software developer, I specialize in creating web applications using Spring Boot MVC, MySQL, AWS EC2, GitHub, and Swagger. With over 20 projects under my belt, all available on my GitHub profile, I have proven expertise in the field and a passion for building high-quality software.

My strong problem-solving skills are matched by my dedication to self-improvement, and I am always seeking ways to improve my knowledge and skillset. I am passionate about making a meaningful impact in the software industry, and my experience solving over 200+ DSA/Coding questions on the Geekster platform is a testament to this.

I am excited to bring my skills and experience to a new opportunity in the field and look forward to the challenges and opportunities that lie ahead. With a proven track record of success and a passion for innovation and problem-solving, I am confident in my ability to make a significant impact in any role I undertake. 

Personal Details

Full Name Ameya Shinde
Gender Male
Marital Status Single
Email ID **********
Mobile No. **********
Date of Birth **********
Languages Known
English (Proficient),