Developed a user-friendly movie app using modern front-end technologies (React js, React Bootstrap, Router,Axois extra) to
provide a seamless and engaging user experience.
Implemented API integration with a popular movie database service (e.g., The Movie Database API or IMDb API) to fetch
and display real-time movie data such as movie titles, ratings, descriptions, posters.
Designed an intuitive search functionality that allows users to find movies by title, genre, release year, or cast, with results
displayed in real-time as users type.
Added 3 main pages and these are - Login Page, Home Page & Movie Detail Page if user fill Email:rahul,Pass:1234
credential then user can navigate to the Home page and user can see all movies card which are fetching from IMDb Api
using Axios .
On the card movie if the user clicked the particular card movie then the user will navigate to the Movie Detail Page and in
the Movie Detail Page user can see all movie Detail like a Tittle,Rating,Year,Movie-Picture,Description extra .
Tech Stack: JavaScript, ReactJs, Context Api, Router, Axois, React Bootstrap,React Icon,Vercel to hostDeveloped a user-friendly movie app using modern front-end technologies (React js, React Bootstrap, Router,Axois extra) to provide a seamless and engaging user experience. Implemented API integration with a popular movie database service (e.g., The Movie Database API or IMDb API) to fetch and display real-time movie data such as movie titles, ratings, descriptions, posters. Designed an intuitive search functionality that allows users to find movies by title, genre, release year, or cast, with results displayed in real-time as users type. Added 3 main pages and these are - Login Page, Home Page & Movie Detail Page if user fill Email:rahul,Pass:1234 credential then user can navigate to the Home page and user can see all movies card which are fetching from IMDb Api using Axios . On the card movie if the user clicked the particular card movie then the user will navigate to the Movie Detail Page and in the Movie Detail Page user can see all movie Detail like a Tittle,Rating,Year,Movie-Picture,Description extra . Tech Stack: JavaScript, ReactJs, Context Api, Router, Axois, React Bootstrap,React Icon,Vercel to host
- Skills: React Bootstrap · React Hooks · ReactRouter · Axois · JavaScript · React.js