
Rahul Arora

India **********

Updated on : 14-Sep-2023

Resume Headline

Frontend Developer || React JS Developer || Apprentice @Geekster

Skill Set : HMTL5, React, React-icon, axios, CSS3, Roting, Bootstrap, JAVASCRIPT, React.js, C

Prefered Job Type : : Full-Time, Remote

Employement Details


Geekster · Apprenticeship
Jul 2022 - Present

 My tenure as an apprentice in Web Development at Geekster has been an enlightening experience, where I had the privilege of acquiring invaluable knowledge and practical experience in a wide aria of technologies, including JavaScript, React Js, Html,Css and other relevant Web development tools.

The immersive training, coupled with the guidance of expert professionals, has provided me with a comprehensive understanding of the best Web development practices, problem-solving strategies, and current industry trends. My apprenticeship has equipped me with the essential skills to excel as a proficient Frontend developer, with a deep understanding of Web development principles and techniques, and the ability to make valuable contributions to impactful projects.

I am confident that the knowledge and expertise gained from this apprenticeship will help me thrive as a Frontend developer and make significant strides in the industry.My tenure as an apprentice in Web Development at Geekster has been an enlightening experience, where I had the privilege of acquiring invaluable knowledge and practical experience in a wide aria of technologies, including JavaScript, React Js, Html,Css and other relevant Web development tools. The immersive training, coupled with the guidance of expert professionals, has provided me with a comprehensive understanding of the best Web development practices, problem-solving strategies, and current industry trends. My apprenticeship has equipped me with the essential skills to excel as a proficient Frontend developer, with a deep understanding of Web development principles and techniques, and the ability to make valuable contributions to impactful projects. I am confident that the knowledge and expertise gained from this apprenticeship will help me thrive as a Frontend developer and make significant strides in the industry.

  • Skills: Chakra-UI · Axois · Routing · Redux.js · HTML · CSS · Bootstrap · JavaScript · React.js · C (Programming Language) · Python (Programming Language)
Salary : 14000 Monthly
Notice Period : 1 Month

Web Developer

Infosys Springboard
Jan 2022 - Feb 2022


 Successfully completed an intensive web development training program, covering HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and othermodern web technologies.

Developed multiple projects, including responsive websites and interactive web applications, showcasing proficiency in
front-end development.

During My Training i have developed many live projects like Image-Search-App,Calculator, and extra .Successfully completed an intensive web development training program, covering HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and othermodern web technologies. Developed multiple projects, including responsive websites and interactive web applications, showcasing proficiency in front-end development. During My Training i have developed many live projects like Image-Search-App,Calculator, and extra .

  • Skills: HTML · CSS · JavaScript

Web Developer

Suven Consultants and Technology Pvt.Ltd
Feb 2022 - Mar 2022


 Successfully completed a [2 Weeks] internship focused on HTML and CSS web development.

Worked on 4 Project and that project are ,365 Entertainment -it is similar to Hotstar ,Blogging, css3 animation and last is a Voter Registration-replica of national voter service portal form 6.

Gained practical experience in designing and developing responsive websites using HTML5 and CSS3.

Acquired knowledge of modern web design principles and best practices for creating user-friendly interfaces.Successfully completed a [2 Weeks] internship focused on HTML and CSS web development. Worked on 4 Project and that project are ,365 Entertainment -it is similar to Hotstar ,Blogging, css3 animation and last is a Voter Registration-replica of national voter service portal form 6. Gained practical experience in designing and developing responsive websites using HTML5 and CSS3. Acquired knowledge of modern web design principles and best practices for creating user-friendly interfaces.

  • Skills: HTML5 · CSS3

Education Details

Graduation in Information Technology

Bachelor of Technology - BTech From Dr. Ram Manohar Lohia Awadh University, Faizabad

Passout Year : 2022

Course Type : Full Time

Percentage/Grade : 82 % Marks of 100 Maximum

Project Details


Associated with Geekster
November 2022 - December 2022

 Developed a GitHub Finder web application using React, React-Hooks, Chakra-UI for stylling , enabling users to search for GitHub profiles and repositories.
Implemented the search functionality using React hooks, allowing real-time updates and efficient state management.
Utilized the GitHub API to fetch user and repository data based on user input, ensuring accurate and up-to-date information.
Optimized the app for performance, implementing lazy loading and minimizing unnecessary network requests.Developed a GitHub Finder web application using React, React-Hooks, Chakra-UI for stylling , enabling users to search for GitHub profiles and repositories. Implemented the search functionality using React hooks, allowing real-time updates and efficient state management. Utilized the GitHub API to fetch user and repository data based on user input, ensuring accurate and up-to-date information. Optimized the app for performance, implementing lazy loading and minimizing unnecessary network requests.

  • Skills: Axios · Chakra-UI · JavaScript · React.js

Fitness Gym WebApp

Associated with Geekster
January 2023 - January 2023

 =>Developed a Fitness Gym App using React and Redux for state management and data is coming from only the redux store.
=>Employed Redux for state management, enabling efficient data flow and consistent user experiences across the app.
=>Integrated RESTful APIs with the React.js front end, facilitating real-time data updates and ensuring users always had access to the gym information.
=>Integrated advanced exercises features, such as Back,Cardio,Shoulders,UpperLegs,LowerLegs,Waist extra things, progress exercises, and nutritional exercises, to empower users to meet their fitness goals effectively.
Tech Stack: JavaScript, ReactJs,Redux,React-router,Axios,Vercel to host=>Developed a Fitness Gym App using React and Redux for state management and data is coming from only the redux store. =>Employed Redux for state management, enabling efficient data flow and consistent user experiences across the app. =>Integrated RESTful APIs with the React.js front end, facilitating real-time data updates and ensuring users always had access to the gym information. =>Integrated advanced exercises features, such as Back,Cardio,Shoulders,UpperLegs,LowerLegs,Waist extra things, progress exercises, and nutritional exercises, to empower users to meet their fitness goals effectively. Tech Stack: JavaScript, ReactJs,Redux,React-router,Axios,Vercel to host

  • Skills: ReactRouter · Axios · Redux.js · JavaScript · React.js


Associated with Geekster
February 2023 - February 2023

 Developed a user-friendly movie app using modern front-end technologies (React js, React Bootstrap, Router,Axois extra) to
provide a seamless and engaging user experience.
Implemented API integration with a popular movie database service (e.g., The Movie Database API or IMDb API) to fetch
and display real-time movie data such as movie titles, ratings, descriptions, posters.
Designed an intuitive search functionality that allows users to find movies by title, genre, release year, or cast, with results
displayed in real-time as users type.
Added 3 main pages and these are - Login Page, Home Page & Movie Detail Page if user fill Email:rahul,Pass:1234
credential then user can navigate to the Home page and user can see all movies card which are fetching from IMDb Api
using Axios .
On the card movie if the user clicked the particular card movie then the user will navigate to the Movie Detail Page and in
the Movie Detail Page user can see all movie Detail like a Tittle,Rating,Year,Movie-Picture,Description extra .
Tech Stack: JavaScript, ReactJs, Context Api, Router, Axois, React Bootstrap,React Icon,Vercel to hostDeveloped a user-friendly movie app using modern front-end technologies (React js, React Bootstrap, Router,Axois extra) to provide a seamless and engaging user experience. Implemented API integration with a popular movie database service (e.g., The Movie Database API or IMDb API) to fetch and display real-time movie data such as movie titles, ratings, descriptions, posters. Designed an intuitive search functionality that allows users to find movies by title, genre, release year, or cast, with results displayed in real-time as users type. Added 3 main pages and these are - Login Page, Home Page & Movie Detail Page if user fill Email:rahul,Pass:1234 credential then user can navigate to the Home page and user can see all movies card which are fetching from IMDb Api using Axios . On the card movie if the user clicked the particular card movie then the user will navigate to the Movie Detail Page and in the Movie Detail Page user can see all movie Detail like a Tittle,Rating,Year,Movie-Picture,Description extra . Tech Stack: JavaScript, ReactJs, Context Api, Router, Axois, React Bootstrap,React Icon,Vercel to host

  • Skills: React Bootstrap · React Hooks · ReactRouter · Axois · JavaScript · React.js

StartMart (Ecommerce WebApp)

Associated with Geekster
August 2022 - October 2022

 Hello! This is Ecommerce Website and built ReactJS,Redux, Chakra-Ui,Html,css, Axois extra .The landing page is the first thing users see when they visit the website. It contains an attractive and user-friendly layout showcasing the Letest products, promotional banners, and navigation links to different product categories and also added filtered like a Men'sCloth,WomenCloth,Electronics , Jewelary categories extra.
=> Users can add products to their shopping cart, view the items they have added, update quantities, and remove items if needed., users can proceed to checkout from here.
=> when user click on the Buynow Button then user can navigate to the Product detail page and inside product detail user can easily see the product detail like Product-Title, Product-Descrition, Rating, Price and more .
=> in this project am used pure Redux for functionallty like calling of the Api , Added the Product to the cart , and also redux is used for Filtered method .Hello! This is Ecommerce Website and built ReactJS,Redux,Chakra-Ui,Html,css, Axois extra .The landing page is the first thing users see when they visit the website. It contains an attractive and user-friendly layout showcasing the Letest products, promotional banners, and navigation links to different product categories and also added filtered like a Men'sCloth,WomenCloth,Electronics , Jewelary categories extra. => Users can add products to their shopping cart, view the items they have added, update quantities, and remove items if needed., users can proceed to checkout from here. => when user click on the Buynow Button then user can navigate to the Product detail page and inside product detail user can easily see the product detail like Product-Title, Product-Descrition, Rating, Price and more . => in this project am used pure Redux for functionallty like calling of the Api , Added the Product to the cart , and also redux is used for Filtered method .

  • Skills: React · React-icon · ReactRouter · Axios · Chakra-UI · Redux.js · HTML · CSS · JavaScript

Profile Summary

 =>Hi I am Rahul Arora  As a Frontend React Developer, my passion lies in creating engaging and interactive user experiences through web applications. With a strong background in web development and a focus on React, I take pride in turning complex problems into elegant and user-friendly solutions.
=>Proficient in: JavaScript, React js, Redux,HTML,CSS, Chakra-UI
=>Current status: Apprentice at Geekster platform
=>Key attributes: Dedicated, hardworking, always striving to improve skills for achieving the best possible results.
=>Passion: Programming and learning different programming languages 

Personal Details

Full Name Rahul Arora
Gender Male
Marital Status Single
Email ID **********
Mobile No. **********
Date of Birth **********
Languages Known