• Developed Hirehub website using Node.js, Express.js, and ejs with
Bootstrap, HTML, and CSS for responsive UI design.
• Implemented RESTful APIs with Passport.js for user authentication, job
listings, and applications.
• Integrated website with MongoDB database for user and job data
storage and retrieval.
• Implemented fuzzy searching using MongoDB’s text search and
aggregation pipeline features, allowing users to find job listings even if
they contain typos or alternative spellings.• Developed Hirehub website using Node.js, Express.js, and ejs with Bootstrap, HTML, and CSS for responsive UI design. • Implemented RESTful APIs with Passport.js for user authentication, job listings, and applications. • Integrated website with MongoDB database for user and job data storage and retrieval. • Implemented fuzzy searching using MongoDB’s text search and aggregation pipeline features, allowing users to find job listings even if they contain typos or alternative spellings.